Thursday, May 21, 2009

Assignment # 7 - Podcasts

I signed up for 3 podcasts using my bloglines account.

Coffee Break French - a podcast of 20+ minute french lessons (they have longer coffee breaks than we do). I really liked this. I gave up on french classes after grade ten; now my daughter switches to french on the phone when I walk in the room. I think I will download it to my ipod and listen on my way to work.

Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More - a podcast of pithy advice on how to get things done. Actually seeing this title on my feed list will be more helpful to prod me along than his actual advice.(Get through my reading backlog by reading 3 pages a day ? Sure !)

Groks Science Radio Show and Podcast - a podcast featuring interviews with scientists and innovators. It is both funny and current. I'll listen to this one while I straighten up the sock drawer.

I find subscribing to podcasts like creating my own radio on demand. I still need to spend more time looking for podcasts that interest me.

1 comment:

  1. The french lessons idea is a great one. I'll have to check it out.
